Heritage and Conservation
Cavan County Council is inviting applications under a number of schemes for repairs or conservation projects in County Cavan. This includes the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS), which has the following levels of funding:
Minimum €2,500 - Maximum €15,000
This is a scheme operated to assist with the repair and conservation of Protected Structures, and in certain cases, works to structures within Architectural Conservation Areas. The BHIS also includes Ring-Fenced Funding for Thatching to fund conservation repairs to historic thatched structures, helping owners offset other costs. The allocation to Cavan under this latter element is limited but applications for thatched properties can also be considered under the general BHIS allocation. All BHIS applications will be assessed and prioritised on the basis of:
Significance of the Structure
Effectiveness of the Works
Quality of Works Proposed
The amount of funding awarded cannot exceed 50% of the cost of works up to a maximum amount of €15,000.
NOTE: In the terms of the scheme, it is indicated that the conservation works must be designed, specified and overseen on site by a conservation professional. Where the specific expertise lies with a practitioner or contractor such as a thatcher or stone mason then they can be put forward as fulfilling the role of conservation professional.
The Guidance Circular on the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2024, which explains the scheme and the Application Form, are available to download.
CLOSING DATE: The deadline for receipt of applications for this scheme is 5pm on Friday 19th January 2024.
Application forms along with the Application Form and relevant supplementary material should be emailed to cavanheritage@cavancoco.ie in either Word or pdf format. The size of the email with all attachments should not exceed 15MB.