049 437 8300
Cavan County Council, Farnham Centre, Farnham Street, H12 C9K1

Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs)
Architectural Conservation Areas are ‘a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of building lines and heights, that is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest or that contributes to the appreciation of a Protected Structure, and whose character it is an objective of a development plan to preserve’. In designating ACAs Cavan County Council seeks to guide change and development in areas of special heritage value or interest or where Protected Structures are affected. The aim is to retain the overall special architectural or historic character of an area or place.
A number of areas within County Cavan have been identified as candidate ACAs. Most structures within these ACAs are important in that they contribute to the overall streetscape or special character of the ACA and then to the area in which they are situated. Any works that would have a material effect on the character of the ACA will require planning permission.
During the lifetime of the County Development Plan 2008-2014 ACAs were designated in order to preserve, protect and enhance the character of the areas. The ACAs include
The Lawn Terrace, Belturbet
Main Street, Virginia
Redhills Village
Belturbet Diamond, Courthouse and Streetscape
Cootehill Lower Market Street
Kilmore Cathedral
Cootehill Residential Terrace on Monaghan Road.