Cavan County Council is carrying out a Landscape Character Assessment of the county.
As part of this process, we are identifying and mapping unique areas within the county that have their own character.
Landscape is everything you perceive in your surroundings; from mountains, valleys and rivers; rural to urban; land high in biodiversity to industrial landscapes; hilly to flat; woodland to wet fields.
Features can include everything from hedges and fences to factories and telecommunication towers. Some landscapes are everyday landscapes but special to you; often the story of the landscape is hidden from view. Places can be important for many reasons, recreation, good memories, views, culture, services, spiritual significance, beauty, myths, folklore.
You can show us features and places of note via a web-based mapping tool. The survey usually takes about 3 minutes. We have 4 questions and a "spraycan" tool to mark the map. You can "spray" your special places and tell us a little about why they are significant to you. You can also show us a place where the character of the landscape is under pressure.
Your participation in the #CavanLandscapes mapping survey is anonymous, with no names and contact details required, and the information provided will not be traceable back to individual participants.Â